Contemplative practice and mystical theology hold the key to not only heal the broken heart, but to help us heal the world.


Our mission is to encounter the spiritually homeless & the spiritually wounded through mystical theology & contemplative practice.


Mystical Theology

The Christian tradition was rooted in the wisdom and teaching of Jesus Christ. From the desert mothers and fathers, to the convents of old, to the visions of saints, mystical theology assumes that God is not “out there,” but right here waiting for us to find them. God desires all of us beyond the pew on Sunday morning and we can experience that God right now.

Mystical theology is about experiencing God, not merely wrapping our heads around how God works. It’s by experiencing the divine’s work in us that we we are lost in grace.


Contemplative Practice

There is a desire of people for a more fulfilling spirituality spurred interest in meditative practice, pilgrimages to spiritual sites, and a more engaging dive into the divine. Prayer can be expansive, restful, empowering, and challenging work even without words. Contemplative practice seeks to have you encounter the realness of the divine in the here and now.

Discover ancient practices being rediscovered by people in the Christian tradition and by people hungering for a more dire spirituality.